Day 13 Sun. May 23
Hi all,
Well change of plans today. We decided that we would
really have to push to get over to MT. Rushmore, so we headed
south to Casper WY. This would give us lots of time to amble along.
First stop was Fetterman Massacre Battlefield.
The interesting thing was there were a group of archeogeologists digging
for artifacts.
Prilly and Sue showing off their matching jackets.  Where's mine ?
We got tired of the four lane and headed to the back roads where the view was excellent, in scurch
of the hole in the wall. Buch Cassidy and Sundance Kid's old hide out.
Little Bo Peep's Sheep
Don't worry I've got it all under control.
Hiding in the shade
The Prarrie Dog on look out. These guys are popping up all over out here.
White Pelicans in flight
Antelope are all over out here.
This guy is showing off and not to us.
These 3 hens are not far away.
No telling what you might see out there.
Pic of the day.
Ok, Ok, form a line.
Well that's it for today, heading for Denver.
Love Ralph, Prilly & Sue

Goto Day 14

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